Light-Induced Function

Light-Induced Function

#LIFETimeS #WebSite
From Excitation to Signal

From Excitation to Signal

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Through Time and Space

Through Time and Space

#LIFETimeS #WebSite
Light-Induced Function

Light-Induced Function

#LIFETimeS #WebSite
From Excitation to Signal

From Excitation to Signal

#LIFETimeS #WebSite
Through Time and Space

Through Time and Space

#LIFETimeS #WebSite

flavoneWe present an extension of the polarizable quantum mechanical (QM)/AMOEBA approach to enhanced sampling techniques. This is achieved by connecting the enhanced sampling PLUMED library to the machinery based on the interface of Gaussian and Tinker to perform QM/AMOEBA molecular dynamics. As an application, we study the excited state intramolecular proton transfer of 3-hydroxyflavone in two solvents: methanol and methylcyclohexane.

By using a combination of molecular dynamics and umbrella sampling, we find an ultrafast component of the transfer, which is common to the two solvents, and a much slower component, which is active in the protic solvent only. The mechanisms of the two components are explained in terms of intramolecular vibrational redistribution and intermolecular hydrogen-bonding, respectively. Ground and excited state free energies along an effective reaction coordinate are finally obtained allowing for a detailed analysis of the solvent mediated mechanism.


Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
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This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) 
under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
(Grant agreement No. 786714)